
Getting started

datasette-ui-extras (dux) makes Datasette even more awesome: it adds an edit UI and several power-user features for browsing your data.


Learn how to configure and secure your installation.


Extend the library with third-party plugins or write your own.

Architecture guide

Learn how the internals work and contribute.


Quick start

The fastest way to get a test environment is to run these commands in your shell:

pipx install datasette==1.0a2
datasette install datasette-ui-extras
datasette yolo data.db
datasette --metadata metadata.json data.db

This installs Datasette, specifying the as-yet-unreleased 1.0 version, which is necessary for its Write API.

Then it installs the datasette-ui-extras plugin.

It then creates an empty database called data.db, and configures your server to grant anyone full permissions to interact with and change this database.

Then it starts Datasette. You're ready to go!


The yolo command grants anyone access to your database. This is convenient and suitable for testing on your own laptop. It's not appropriate for a Datasette instance that will be published to the web. For those, see the Authentication, authorization and auditing section.

macOS, Windows and other platforms

datasette-ui-extras is a regular Datasette plugin. We've shown the "happy path" for installing on Linux. If you use a different platform, please see the official Datasette docs for help.

Getting help

datasette-ui-extras is still very new. There will likely be issues! Please let me know.

Submit an issue

If datasette-ui-extras does something unexpected, or the documentation isn't clear, please open a GitHub issue.

You can open a new issue here.

Please include as much information as you can about how to reproduce it, for example:

  • your operating system
  • your web browser
  • the steps you were doing when it happened

Ideally, you'd be able to share the underlying SQLite database, too.

If you have the skills to propose or submit a fix, please feel free to do so! You can learn more in the How to contribute section.

Join the community

If your question is more generally about Datasette itself, please use the Datasette Discord to ask the community for help.